24 Oct Anglerfish Gets a Snack – Heather Sherman
Anglerfish Gets a Snack
BOO! Yet another wonderful year in Sugar Spooks deserves another slice of terror from the real world! The Ocean Deep holds many toothy terrors, the vastness of which is a terror all its own. Deep, deep down, sunlight never reaches, the Twilight Zone is a real place that easily conceals any number of legitimate nightmares. Creatures like the hideously toothy Anglerfish are somewhat familiar, and are known to exceed 3-4 feet in length. Other specialists have speculated that far, far larger specimens could very likely exist, in the murk, beyond the borders of our frail vision. Add that to the the borderline horror of being in a diving bell, where a diver is already at risk from murderous pressures, freezing water, and the slightest equipment failure, let alone whatever horror may inhabit the waters around him, just out of sight….until it it too late!
For the fact-checkers among you, I acknowledge that showing a diver with a anglerfish does push some boundaries of the possible, but not the plausible. Do we REALLY think we know everything that’s out there? I think the Oceans hold many unknowns, and that creepy speculation on such real life terrors belongs here, in Sugar Spooks v.7, a celebration of the Scary! Inspired by the Australian Museum’s “Deep Oceans” exhibition of 2012, and huge thanks to Avalon and Corinna for their YEARS of efforts towards this collab!!
This Cake ended Life in my hi-skooler’s Biology Class, where it inspired curiosity, made excitement, generated interest, and provided a snack. Purpose Accomplished!! After last year’s Tardigrade, they are already excited for next year’s cake! Avalon, Corinna, guess we’ve got to do a v.8 now! XOXO Heather at Art2Eat Cakes
Heather Sherman
Art2Eat Cakes
IG-TWIT-PIN-LINKEDIN – @art2eatcakes
Boulder, Colorado USA
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