25 Oct Better Left Unspoken – Sam Lucero
My piece is inspired by the clay sculpture “The Demagogue Wears the Devil’s Tongue” by Dug Stanat. I loved the elongated expression this angry zombie-like pirate had. It reminded me of the saying “Speak no evil” only this is what happens if you try to.
I tried to bring color into the reimagined work without over-saturating and losing the feel of the original piece. Everything is made of rice cereal treat and modeling chocolate, with a gel color wash effect.
Follow me on Instagram to see videos of this piece coming to life.
See the creation of the inspiration piece or additional work from Dug Stanat at http://www.dugosaurus.com/theater/.

Anarchy Cake Studio
Facebook: facebook.com/anarchycakestudio
Instagram: @anarchycakestudio
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