25 Oct Misssss Serpentia – Tanya Ross, Novel-T Cakes
Missssss Ssserpentia
She was just like you or me….until one fateful day while on her way to her granny’s house, skipping through the forest she happened upon the cursed viper of Vendetta. …
She reached down to pick some flowers and unwittingly grabbed the viper’s tail, he turned on her andbit her, infecting her with a venom that would make her unable to control her temper. Since that day, whenever she gets angry (and that’s quite often) she turns into Misssss Sssserpentia, a vengeful creature that does not suffer fools lightly. She is destined to spread the curse of the viper while in this form. So tread carefully when being mean as nobody knows what her human form looks like and the next person you are being mean to may just be Missssss Serpentia in her human form and you’ll never know it until it’s too late!
Tanya Ross
Novel-T Cakes
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