24 Oct Mrs. Steampunkin – Violet Lin Tran
Mrs. Steampunkin
Meet Mrs. Steampunkin, Jacqueline Steampunkin to be exact, Sir Jacques’ better half. For two years, Jacques has been bugging me to help him find a life-partner to spend eternity with. Finally I decided to comply but I knew I had to find time in a hectic life schedule first.
So, during a spontaneous all-nighter, I hunkered down and set to work. While fashioning her, I began to realize she was going to try my patience. She was a handful to say the least, with her wimpy hair, goofy grin and crooked off-set eyes, looking more like Sir Jacques’ younger brother than soon-to-be wife.
We spent a good few hours together during which I got to know Jacqueline well. First annoyed with her lack of co-operation, I eventually came to understand her fussiness with her hairstyle was just a need to project a certain self-confidence. Her grin became a smile and her eyes took on a twinkle. Finally, she morphed into what I always imagined was a good fit for Sir Jacques.
She exists solely because of another’s wish, but she has proven to have quite a strong personality and opinions all her own, so she definitely will not be complacent and content to just be arm candy.
Careful what you wish for Jacques…she’s super sweet but has proven to be strong-willed and also a bit wonky!
Name: Violet Lin Tran
Business Name: The Violet Cake Shop™
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