20 Oct Sir Jacques Steampunkin – Violet Lin Tran
Sir Jacques Steampunkin
Sir Jacques is a figment of my imagination using a mashup of a few pics I found on-line as inspiration. I wanted to do something completely out there and not yet done before. He is a combination of my love of the Steampunk genre and a creepy old jack o’lantern, and came about when trying to brainstorm ideas and the words ‘Steampunk’ and ‘pumpkin’ were put together in my head (get it? Steampunk…pumpkin…Steampunkin? Of course, you got it haha!)
He was so much fun to create as he allowed me to go completely out of my usual wheelhouse and try something ‘spookier’ than my normal fare. New is always fun. Thanks Avalon for having me again this year! It’s always such a delightful experience and honour to be part of Sugar Spooks. Oh, and Happy 5th Anniversary to us!!
Violet Lin Tran
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/TheVioletCakeShop
Instagram: www.instagram.com/thevioletcakeshop
Website: www.thevioletcakeshop.com
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