25 Oct Trying Trypophobia – Raewyn Read
Trying Trypophobia
I’m obsessed with Colin Christian’s amazing Trypophobia Sculptures. I had never heard of this phobia until I stumbled upon a piece of his work….now I’m morbidly drawn to it everywhere! I think I admire and despise him in equal measure haha! My attempt is made completely of Chocit Modeling Chocolate and hand painted with Sweet Sticks Edible Art paints.
Raewyn Read is an Award winning International Cake Decorator and Instructor. She has filmed Video Tutorials for Craftsy, Paul Bradford Sugarcraft School, Pretty Witty Cakes and Teach Me Cakes as well as her own library of YouTube videos. Raewyn writes tutorials and runs a successful Facebook page with a fan base of 140k and growing.
Raewyn Read
Raewyn Read Cake Design
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