Slumber Beast – Kylie Mangles (Letterpress Bakery)

Slumber Beast – Kylie Mangles (Letterpress Bakery)

Slumber Beast

Rod was a grumpy old man and the owner of the house.  Until he refused an evil witch a place to sleep for the night and she enchanted him to be a bed until the end of time.

Rod used to let the occasional traveler sleep on him, but he gets angrier and hungrier with each passing day.  This evil vicious bed lures his pray to lay down and lulls them into a deep slumber.  He takes them to the land of ROD. A creepy nightmarish place where everything in your home is haunted and coming after you.  When you are in the deepest part of sleep, he throws you up in the air and gobbles you up.


Kylie Mangles

Letterpress Bakery




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