Filter CategoriesFilter - AllSpooks 2018 The Kindly Witch -Jenny Kennedy Baby Werewolf - Laura Loukaides Beetlejuice - Corinna Maguire Rick Baker's Eye of the Beholder Monster & Human Swap Trick or Treat - Avalon Yarnes Unforeseen Wisdom - Christine Leaming "Cruel Alice"- Gisi Prekau Conformity - Paul Redmond SPOOKPKIN - Ana RemĂgio Off with their heads! - Jessica Phan HORRORible Children 2018 Mitchie Currran Dracula (Bran Stoker). Esmeralda Trigo Rise of the Zombinions The Toothfairy Karen Keaney Stranger Pumpkin - Tonya Alvey Carl the Pumpkin - Shannon Bond Blood Moon Witch It’s right behind you! Marta Hidalgo Better Left Unspoken - Sam Lucero Hazel 'The Vampiress' - Aixa Zunino Misssss Serpentia - Tanya Ross, Novel-T Cakes Tentacle Spine Kitty Skull and Pumblekin Demon Scream - Renay Zamora MONSTER TWEETY - Massimiliano Colla Grumpy Pumpkin They're only noodles Michael - Rhianydd Webb Captain Spaulding Cookie Munster of Frankenstein - Jennifer Holst Count Viktor de Ghould - Violet Lin Tran Tardigrade - Heather Sherman Phantom of the Opera