Filter CategoriesFilter - AllSpooks 2018 SPOOKPKIN - Ana RemÃgio Off with their heads! - Jessica Phan Conformity - Paul Redmond Tardigrade - Heather Sherman Carl the Pumpkin - Shannon Bond Beetlejuice - Corinna Maguire Monster & Human Swap Trick or Treat - Avalon Yarnes Better Left Unspoken - Sam Lucero It’s right behind you! Marta Hidalgo Dracula (Bran Stoker). Esmeralda Trigo Grumpy Pumpkin Phantom of the Opera Rick Baker's Eye of the Beholder The Toothfairy Karen Keaney Tentacle Spine Kitty Skull and Pumblekin Captain Spaulding Cookie The Kindly Witch -Jenny Kennedy MONSTER TWEETY - Massimiliano Colla Munster of Frankenstein - Jennifer Holst Count Viktor de Ghould - Violet Lin Tran Blood Moon Witch Demon Scream - Renay Zamora They're only noodles Michael - Rhianydd Webb Unforeseen Wisdom - Christine Leaming HORRORible Children 2018 Mitchie Currran "Cruel Alice"- Gisi Prekau Baby Werewolf - Laura Loukaides Rise of the Zombinions Misssss Serpentia - Tanya Ross, Novel-T Cakes Hazel 'The Vampiress' - Aixa Zunino Stranger Pumpkin - Tonya Alvey